Friday, November 29, 2019
The Soundtrack of My Life Essay Example For Students
The Soundtrack of My Life Essay My name is Marian _______________. I am a person who loves all kinds of music, especially romantic. I grew up in a free and healthy environment. My hometown of Ciego de Avila, Cuba is a place full of gentle and friendly people, where I used to listen loud music without bothering my neighbors. After I spent almost nineteen years of my life in that place, I moved to Florida, United States. Nowadays, I am living with my husband and my daughter in a beautiful house full of love. I present this soundtrack to you as an important part of what my life has been. We will write a custom essay on The Soundtrack of My Life specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Each song was carefully selected to express and explain different events in my past five years. Likewise, I think this assignment will help me look deep inside me. Analyzing prudently each track will also change my perspective of life. I want to become a better person and be successful in college. I want to have a greater life. By completing this project, I hope to find correct ways to solve problems and not only expect to become an excellent critical tinker, but also I want my voice to be heard. I have only one life, and I want to live it to the fullest till the end. In the past five years of my life I have had not only many falls, but also many ups. One of those ups was when I saw him again, my perfect man, the love of my life, the father of my daughter. All started in the airport while I waited for my mother. My father and I invited some old friends of the family to give my mom a great welcome. Suddenly, I looked to the big open door and there he was. This time he was more handsome and attractive than last time. Can you imagine almost four years without seeing him? While my hands were shaking and sweating, he approached and my heart exploded. At that moment, I realized that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. I chose the beautiful song I am alive from a talented singer as Celine Dion is, to be the first song of my soundtrack, because it significantly explains the way I feel when he is around me. In her lyrics, Celine Dion says When I hear you breathe, I get wings to fly, I fell that I am alive He makes me feel exactly the way this singer describes it in her song. Today, we have been together for five years; and ità ´s only begun, I canà ´t wait for the rest of my life As a product of that love, our beautiful little Melanie was born. At the beginning no one accepted my pregnancy, because I was too young and still studying; however, over the time, our family understood the decision we made. After the longest nine months of my life, finally my little miracle of life come true. That is why I chose Miracle as the second song of my soundtrack, and it is performed also by Celine Dion. It has a huge meaning for me because it reminds me those days when I hold my daughter in my arms for the first time. She is the most magnificent person God could ever give me. As the performer says in her lyrics, Only God creates such a perfect love. It is so difficult for me to describe that sensation; I felt like the most beautiful feeling inside my heart. This song reached my soul, and it took my breath away. In one of her verses, Celine Dion says I never knew a love like this till you, and she is right. Life is no longer about me; now, life is all about her. She is my miracle of life. But in life, not everything is happiness or perfection, and as other relationships, I have had problems too. Which one? Parents in law; that is how I define my problem. .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .postImageUrl , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:hover , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:visited , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:active { border:0!important; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:active , .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u04c84daa01a6b231a05580ffa5191c8e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Different Types of popular music. EssayThey want me to do whatever they want, without realizing that I have my own opinions and different ways to solve my struggles. In addition, I am a very respectful person; therefore, I would rather stay quiet, bite my tongue and hold my breath before saying any phrase someone does not like. At that point, while I was selecting the songs for this assignment, I heard one that was strongly connected to my problem. That song is Roar by name, and it is performed by the young girl Katty Perry. After I listen to her lyrics I realized that I had a choice, that I cannot live like that anymore. Consequently, I took the decision to talk to my parents in law and speak up in the best way possible. I am not sure if they understood my point of view, but I am very proud of my own self. I guess I went from cero to my own hero To conclude, music plays a significant role in each one of our lives. As can be seen, it brings back memories of some events of the past, like mine, to remember how was my reunion with the love of my life, or when our daughter was born. On the other hand, music also influences sometimes in the decision we make. Previously, I was afraid of saying what I wanted to say, but after listening to the song, I got the strength needed to express myself. After all, I want to say thank you for taking some of your time to listen these sequence of songs. They represent an important part of my life, and I would like to conclude my project but not without saying: Live your life to the fullest and create your own dreams. Remember that dreams can come true, but only if you take the time to think about them and focus on what you have to do to achieve them.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Qualitative Objectives Essay Example
Qualitative Objectives Essay Example Qualitative Objectives Paper Qualitative Objectives Paper This could be done on a database more easily by the use of a query to bring the two forms together, making it very easy to look at and analyse.à Objectives for the new systemà Qualitative Objectives:à Improve speed and ease of accessing, and updating the data on all the students, subjects and grades information forms.à Trap user errors in data entry by providing validations for the input. Data entry should be as fast as possible, particularly as there will be a lot of students to add to the database when it is first set up and installed.à Enable user to easily extract information such as class lists of students for a subject and total predicted grades as well as Target Minimum Grade (TMG).à Quantitative Objectives:à A new student can be added to the database within 5 seconds.à The database can hold up to 150 student records.à It should take no longer than 15 seconds to find all the student data required like student details, student subjects, current grades, subject teachers to compile a report for the student. Data Flowsà A data flow diagram of the parts of the proposed system is shown below:à Studentsà Detailsà Tasksà Kate needs to store the students, ID, name, address, name of parent, telephone number, sex and date of birth on a personal information table.à Apart from this tables are needed on which subject the students are studying. Each subject has to have a code and a subject name. She also wants the level being studied and the year (1,2). The system that is going to be created needs to consist of several tables and forms so that Kate is able to:à Create, delete and amend records.à Input forms are needed which allow her to enter details about students, including which subject they are doing in which module and their current grade.à To make this easier look up tables will be used so that she can pick the appropriate subject from a list of subjects from the class/subject ID.à She wants a record of the students target minimum grade and current estimated grades for each subject so that she can monitor their progress.à Any other items which are not mentioned but may have to be designed in order to make logical sense of the data base will be included in the appendix
Friday, November 22, 2019
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion Questions - Essay Example 2006 posited that the key to leadership is ââ¬Ëthe discipline to prioritize and the ability to work toward a stated goalââ¬â¢ (p.30). Hitler was certainly able to work toward his set goal. A scenario in which this style would be best suited would be the one in which members of a community are experiencing prejudicial treatment because of the color of their skin or their ethnic background. There may be a situation where individuals from a particular community are constantly being the subject to racial attacks via the media and through face-to-face interactions. One individual can arise from the group who has the qualities of a charismatic leader. This individual can influence based on his/her charm, the majority of the community members to take a specific stand against the injustice. The charismatic leader suits this scenario because in the case of discrimination, it takes someone who would be respected and revered by all to make a difference. Not only must this individual be respected by the community in which he /she belongs but also by the community that is meting out the injustices. Change is inevitable and although people are naturally resistant to change the author of this paper believes that the following strategies as cited by Kotelnikov 2008 would be effective in dealing with dissent and resistance: An employee who refuses to change after being invited to participate in the change process and after all the above strategies have been attempted would have to be directed to another organization. This individual would only hinder rather than help the new initiatives of the organization to go forward. The length of time such an individual would remain in the organization would therefore depend on the length of time it takes to complete each of the strategies decided as best by the organization to deal with resistance to change. Musser, S.J. (1987). The determination of positive and negative charismatic leadership, Retrieved February 20, 2008 from
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethics Reflection Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics Reflection - Term Paper Example This situation does create the impressions that businesses do not really have a set of ethical principles to follow as it conducts it operations and that these do not feel any responsibility toward society. Such notions may be the result of certain corporations that are indeed callously advancing activities that negatively affect people while reaping great profits at the same time. One proof is the prevalent concept that, ââ¬Å"from an economic point of view, one can only afford to be ethical as long as one remains competitiveâ⬠(Duska 2007, p.62). In order to reduce the intensity of the conflict between business and other sectors of society, as well between it and the employees, there is a need to focus on the education and reeducation of the management and the owners on business ethics and social responsibility. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell explain that ââ¬Å"business ethics comprises the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of businessâ⬠(2010, p. 6). This definition emphasizes the need for companies to refer always to such moral precepts and standards as they embark on activities related to their respective businesses.
Monday, November 18, 2019
MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case Essay
MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case - Essay Example 4.2 million births per year) which results in high infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate (WHO). The increasing birth rate is primarily associated with less educational facilities and religious matters. The health disparities that exist within the country are mainly due to the educational, health, social, economic differences between rural and urban areas. Malaria, tuberculosis, Diarrhea, measles and tetanus are also major health concerns of the government. Hepatitis is also posing a great threat to the health of population. Ã ¼ of the total population in Pakistan are obese and have chronic problems (Tauqeer et al.). These health problems and others are basically related to the educational, social and economic conditions of the country. People in Pakistan, do not get much education on vaccines and health checkups on regular basis. The unavailability of education and health services is posing a threat to the health situation of Pakistan. Hygiene is one of the major issues that is worsening the health condition in Pakistan. About eighty percent of the prevailing diseases like diarrhea, malaria, typhoid etc. are due to poor sanitary conditions, unavailability of purified drinking water and cleanliness facilities. The following chart defines the health priorities that require immediate consideration and call for an action by the Government, local authorities and general public. These issues are prioritized on the basis of mortality rates by those issues. The figures are taken from Death and DALY estimates by cause (2002). There is a need to improve the current trends of death rates by resolving the life risking health issues. Since, it has been observed that the major concerns include but are not limited to cleanliness facilities, health disparities on the basis of social, economic and educational differences and high birthrate risking the life of child and mother both. The basic need is to call for an
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The immortality of the soul
The immortality of the soul Title: What arguments are there in the Phaedo for and against the immortality of the soul? Introduction A large portion of the Platonic dialogue Phaedo concerns itself with attempting to establish well enough the Socratic teaching of the immortality of the human soul. In all, there seem to be three main types of arguments for immortality offered by Socrates in the Phaedo. The first and third arguments are known by various names. The second main argument offered is generally known to everyone by the same name: the ââ¬Å"recollection argument.â⬠It should be admitted here that it seems more suitable to refer to these, not as strict proofs, but certainly as argumentative support for Socratesââ¬â¢ overall position of immortality. David Gallop seems to concur in his commentary on this passage of the Phaedo dealing with immortality. ââ¬Å"Plato does not offer a set of discrete, self-contained proofs of immortality, but a developing sequence of arguments, objections, and counter-arguments,â⬠(103).[1] Joseph Owens agrees that the Platonic arguments offered do go quite far in ma king their case,[2] though they fall short of establishing a certainty between immortality itself and an attending guarantee of immortality toward every human person. So whereas it is important to note the strength of the arguments, it remains to be seen whether their strength stands up to close scrutiny, especially the scrutiny offered by Socratesââ¬â¢ interlocutors. The First Main Type of Argument for Immortality Before entering into this argument proper, it would be beneficial to indicate what had been admitted prior to the first argument beginning at 69e. It was admitted by all Socratesââ¬â¢ listeners that the philosopher as the one who seeks after true wisdom and truth itself is aware that the body he inhabits works against these higher inclinations of the philosopher. The soul and the body are really distinct from each other. One could say that they are two separate substances, and the soul is clearly superior to the body. The soul seeks the higher things: the forms, truth itself, etc. But, the body interferes with these pursuits and brings down the soul from these great heights.[3] This is the metaphysical anthropology to keep in mind as underlying the arguments. Now onto the first type of argument, which has been categorized in several ways, depending on the commentator. It has been known as the cyclical argument, the opposites argument, or the argument from contraries.[4] We shall refer to it here by the latter option, though noting the cyclical nature presupposed by the argument from contraries.[5] The arguments begin as a result of a direct challenge by Cebes (69e6) that there have been many who have held that the soul perishes on the day of the death of the body. Socratesââ¬â¢ first argument in establishment of immortality begins by noting the received Greek ââ¬Å"mythâ⬠[6] of the cycle of rebirth ââ¬â the transmigration of souls (70c5). He proceeds to argue that in the whole of reality one perceives the ââ¬Å"generationâ⬠of contraries one from another. ââ¬Å"And the weaker is generated from the stronger, and the swifter from the slower,â⬠Socrates notes.[7] From these several examples, he finally gets Cebes to admit that this principle applies equally well to life and death. Death is certainly generated from the living, and Cebes concedes that his only answer to what is generated from the dead is ââ¬Å"the living,â⬠(71d13). This ââ¬Å"contrariesâ⬠argument gains final strength with a type of modus tollens argument.[8] It could be structured in the following way. If the world were not cyclical in its generation of contraries, then all life would have reached the same state of death. All life has not reached the same state of death. Therefore, the world is cyclical (72b-d). This argument is a valid version of the modus tollens, and it anticipates objections like that of Copleston when he asserts that Platoââ¬â¢s first argument is reliant on the ââ¬Å"unproved assumptionâ⬠of an eternally cyclical world. However, the modus tollens above shows that it is much more than an assumption. He argues from the way things are now (i.e., continually generating and decaying and generating again) to the necessity of the cyclical world to account for present reality. Therefore, one would have to find a faulty premise in the argument in order to overturn it. Cebes, however, sees the force of the reasoning and accepts it argument wholeheartedly (72d4-5). The Second Argument for Immortality As noted earlier, this second argument is commonly called the argument from recollection. It supposes that when we know the Forms (or ââ¬Å"Ideasâ⬠) through recognizing particular instances of those Forms, we could only do so if we were either (1) informed of all Ideas at birth (and then lost them immediately after we received them, which is absurd) or (2) merely recollect the Ideas from having known them previously (i.e., prior to our birth).[9] Hence, we all have existed previously. For example, in order to perceive equalities among things, we would have to already possess a notion of ââ¬Å"absolute equality.â⬠Else, we would not be able to recognize equality at all, if we had no prior Ideas with which to compare the instances of things we encounter in reality (74). Simmias and Cebes accept the force of the argument, though Cebes concludes by noting that Simmias raises an interesting point which implies that only half of the argument has been given in this second line o f reasoning. What one concludes from the second argument is merely that the soul existed and was vested with the Forms prior to its arrival on Earth (77c1-5). This does not, however, establish life after death ââ¬â merely prior to death. However, Socratesââ¬â¢ retort is that the second argument is meant to be understood ââ¬Å"in conjunction with the preceding argument,â⬠(Copleston, 213). This satisfies both Simmias and Cebes, as they are moved along to the third argument given by Socrates, having to do with the very nature of the soul. The Nature of the Soul and Its Implications: Argument Three This is perhaps the most pointed of the arguments and crucial to be established in order to make the belief in immortality more firm. There are two aspects of this third argument, both of which deserve explication. The reason, it seems, why some philosophers prefer to call this the ââ¬Å"affinityâ⬠(Gallop) or ââ¬Å"likenessâ⬠(Stern) argument is that Socrates argues that the soul is able to peruse the invisible realm of the Forms, even though the body merely has contact with the sensible, physical world. In this way, the soul can be shown to have a propensity toward the realm of the Forms. It could be said to have a ââ¬Å"heavenlyâ⬠aspect to it, as it were. Since the forms are very clearly not subject to any change or decay, and the soul is readily in contact with them, it must be the case that this shows an immortal aspect of the soul (79). This aspect of the argument does have some force. Perhaps though the most pointed argument offered by Socrates is founded in the simplicity of the soul. Unlike any body, the soul, being immaterial, is not composed of parts. Every body though is composed of many and various parts. The soul, lacking any parts, therefore must be simple in its constitution (78b-80). Moreover, anything that is simple in its makeup is not subject to degeneration. Mortimer Adler explains, Degeneration is decomposition. The soul would be mortal, too, if it were materially constituted and decomposable. The crux of the various arguments that Socrates advances for its immortality, therefore, lies in two assertions he makes about it. It is immaterial; and it is simple, not composite. It must, therefore, continue to exist after the body perishes.[10] Richard Swinburne, in an article on ââ¬Å"immortalityâ⬠in the Oxford Companion to Philosophy reasons that since Plato argues that the destruction of anything consists (at least) in the disassembling of its various parts, yet the soul has no parts and is not spatial, it follows that ââ¬Å"the soul can not be destroyed.â⬠[11] Simmiasââ¬â¢ Objection At the end of all of this there still remain objections in the Phaedo. Simmias offers one, which has been called the epiphenomenal objection (85e3-86d). According to Simmias, the soul could be seen as merely the harmony of the body, and when the body dies, that which gave it harmony dies alongside it. The Socratic reply is that the soul is the master of the body (i.e., it can control emotions and subdue desires), and it is not reasonable to think that that which merely is the harmonizing principle of a thing could simultaneously be the very ruler of it as well.[12] Concluding Thoughts There are many arguments offered by Socrates and, in the end, more or less conceded by all the participants in favor of viewing the soul as immortal. It seems that the strongest arguments unfold as the dialogue itself unfolds. The argument from the simplicity of the soul, while deserving some further explication and clarification (which subsequent philosophers do ââ¬â cf. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas), does ultimately stand up to the objections of his interlocutors. Whether they are altogether successful as a conglomerate or whether each one might stand on its own as sufficient of proving immortality is difficult to discern. Continued revisiting of these Platonic thoughts, however, seem certainly to be appropriate, as we have witnessed at times throughout this brief the various weaknesses of contemporary commentators on Plato. Works Consulted Adler, Mortimer J. The Angels and Us. New York: Macmillan, 1982. Copleston, Frederick. A History of Philosophy: Volume 1: Greece and Rome. New York: Image Books, 1993. Honderich, Ted, ed. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Owens, Joseph. A History of Ancient Western Philosophy. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1959. Plato. Phaedo. Translated with Notes by David Gallop. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Stern, Paul. Socratic Rationalism and Political Philosophy: An Interpretation of Platoââ¬â¢s Phaedo. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1993. 1 Footnotes [1] Gallop goes on to note that these arguments of the Phaedo are to be contrasted ââ¬Å"sharply with the solitary, and quite different, proofs of immortality in the Republic (608c-611a) and Phaedrus (245c-246a),â⬠Phaedo, translated with notes by David Gallop (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988), 103. [2] ââ¬Å"The Platonic arguments have shown that the nature of the intellectual soul demands immortality,â⬠A History of Ancient Western Philosophy (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1959), 234. [3] See especially Socratesââ¬â¢ pointed comments at Phaedo 66b-e. [4] Joseph Owens and Paul Stern refer to it as the ââ¬Å"oppositesâ⬠argument. David Gallop employs the category of ââ¬Å"cyclicalâ⬠and Frederick Copleston seems to prefer seeing it as an argument from ââ¬Å"contraries.â⬠[5] ââ¬Å"Contrariesâ⬠as opposed to ââ¬Å"oppositesâ⬠is preferred because, as shall be seen, the argument is not reliant solely on what are true opposites. There are many times when Socrates transitions to talking about gradations in types of being, rather than true opposites. Gradations can be included under the head of contraries. [6] Mortimer Adler refers to this as a myth rather than a religious or even philosophical doctrine that Plato inherits. Angels and Us (New York: Macmillan, 1982), 161. [7] Phaedo, 71, 3-4. All quotations from the Phaedo are from the older translation by Benjamin Jowett (rather than from that of David Gallop), unless otherwise noted. The Jowett translations of Plato have appeared in numerous editions and are therefore readily available. [8] Which, if the reader needs reminding, has the following construction: If P, then Q. Not Q; therefore not P. Or, Pââ âQ; ~Q; à ¢-à ¡ ~P. [9] This argument is worked out in much detail in another dialogue ââ¬â the Meno. In that dialogue, Plato attempts to establish this, we may call it along with Copleston, a priori type of knowledge in all men by questioning a boy, who has never been instructed in mathematics, in basic principles of a mathematical proof. Through this questioning he is able to draw out of the boy an abstraction for a mathematical proof ââ¬â a proof with which, prior to this questioning, the boy was altogether unfamiliar. [10] Angels and Us, 157. [11] Ted Honderich, ed., The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 396. However, immediately following this Swinburne proceeds to give the following objection, which he takes to be successful. He states that since an atom (which is physical) can be reduced to energy (which is also, in some sense, physical) and thus destroyed, it must not have to be the case that a thing must have its parts separated before it is destroyed. But, of course, the argument of Plato is untouched by such an objection. An atom is both physical and composed (of at least protons, neutrons and electrons). Hence, it bears no analogy to the soul which is neither physical nor composed of anything. [12] Frederick Copleston makes this point masterfully in his History of Philosophy, 207.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Free Essay: Needs vs. Desires in Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays
Needs vs. Desires in King Lear à à à In Act 2, Scene 4 of King Lear, written by William Shakespeare, Lear argues that for a person to be content with only what one needs, is the same as reducing a human to the level of a beast or animal. I am in opposition to Lear's idea via the issue of needs versus desires. Through knowledge based on experience, observation, and reading I can elaborate on my reasons for choosing to challenge his opinion. à From my own experience I know that a need is a lacking or requirement for a substance, to live; an adequate amount. So a desire is to wish or long for more of something; or in Lear's world, to be on the verge of mania. A good way to compare needs versus desires is food. Food is a necessity to live. When you eat the right amounts of what you ought to, you are sufficiently nourished and therefore healthy. Yet, if you always go to an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet and try to get your monies' worth by gorging yourself, that is a desire. This is for the reason that you are overeating, and the majority of the food is more harm than good. At an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet you persuade yourself to always eat one more plate full. It seems to be worth it, so you eat till you reach the point of marginal utility for the money you have spent. By doing this you are satisfying the desire temporally but your stomach is miserable, which is a base lifestyle to have. I believe you should eat to live and not live to eat, nor should your flesh rule over you. The way this relates to Lear is that he could not depart without all of his men even though he did not need them anymore. He wanted to keep some since of wealth and authority. Lear also desired to be flattered which lead to his own demise. à By observing people I know that if you own less you are more appreciative of things in life. Yet if you own more you desire more. Therefore you become a slave to your passions and lust, rather than an owner of your possessions.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Introduction to Routing and Switching Essay
1. Introduction ââ¬â Computer Network A computer network is a setup which comprises of multiple computers and devices to create connection in order to support the communication of all such devices. This facilitates sharing of information and resources to all the users present in the network. The following are the main purposes that the network provides to its users: à · Communication- networks allow free flow of communication among all the users. These include chat, messages, emails, conferences, etc. à · Sharing of Resources ââ¬â Resources can be shared among all the users within a network. These include: o Hardware ââ¬â The different computers in a network can also make use of a single hardware attached to the network. Consider the example of a shared printer attached to multiple devices in the network like in case of a university or office environment. o Software- Network also allows users to share software application programs through their computers o Files and other data ââ¬â Files and data can be shared among systems in a network environment through authorized access. This helps members to work and submit tasks on the same domain and within deadlines, thus saving from hassles. 2. The Open Systems Interconnection OSI Model The hardware components of the network operate at the layers of the OSI model which are briefly discussed below: Physical layer This is concerned with the functions that carry a stream of bits over a physical medium at the mechanical and electrical level. Hubs and Repeaters operate at the physical layer of the OSI model. Data link Layer This layer categorizes data from network layer (upper layer) into frames and handles errors of the physical layer to provide to the network layer. The Bridges operate at the Data link layer of the OSI Model. Network Layer The delivery of the packet is the responsibility of the network layer which can include multiple links. Network layer can be used in cases of multiple networks where there are some links between the networks. Routers operate at the Network layer of the OSI model. Transport Layer The transport layer is also responsible for delivery of packets but it also recognizes relationship between messages. This is done in proper order and the layer also ensures control of error and flow at the source as well as the destination. Session Layer This layer controls dialog and synchronizes interaction within the network. Presentation Layer This layer is also one of the most important layers as it is looks into the syntax and semantics of the data being transferred within the network. Application Layer This layer involves interfaces and other supporting frames for the user to access the network. 3. Hardware Components within a Network The following re the basic hardware components within a network to interconnect devices (Sosinsky 33): 3.1 Network Interface Cards (NICs) These are the components used to connect to another networking medium. The NIC has a unique identification number known as Media Access Control address (MAC address) that is provided by the manufacturer. 3.2 Repeaters Repeater is a device used to transmit signals after cleaning them by regenerating the original bit pattern. 3.3 Hubs Hub connects multiple devices in the network so that they appear as a single device, therefore, it has multiple ports. 3.4 Bridges These are also hardware components that connect multiple segments of the network. 4. Network Hardware Components ââ¬â Routers and Switches Routers and switches are important components of the computer network that support the above mentioned purpose of a network. These are discussed in details as under: 4.1 Routers Router is a software or device that helps in transmitting data between users in a predefined manner, thus helping in serving the purpose of the network. The data is in the form of packets that travels along the network, where the routers process the data present in the packet. In many cases there is a pre-defined forwarding or routing table used to direct the information to the appropriate destination (Beasley 62). The main tasks of the routers include: à · Ensures information forwarding to the required destination à · Keeps track and avoids information from reaching where not needed 4.1.1 Characteristics The following are the characteristics of Routers: à · The routers correspond to internet Protocols such as the internet Protocol, internet Control message Protocol, etc. à · Provides interfaces between the packet networks through the required functions à · Sends and receives datagrams à · Chooses destination for the datagram according to the routing database à · Provides support facilities for network management which includes status and exception reporting, debugging, etc. 4.1.2 Routing Routing is the process of sharing information by connecting networks and translating protocols between them. It functions at the network layer of the OSI model, acquiring addresses from the IP header of the layer to get the sources and destination. Here the Routing Protocols are used. Routers also use the routing tables to decide the destination of the packets. The routing tables include: à · Address information à · Connection Priorities à · Traffic Rules Routing differs in its delivery schemes which include the following: à · Delivery to a single node (unicast) where the node is predefined. à · Delivery to multiple specified nodes (multicast) à · Delivery to all the nodes that are part of the network (Broadcast)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Opinion on mosh video essays
Opinion on mosh video essays The Eminem video Mosh is a really strong and positive video for the people of the U.S. When you see this video you can see that Eminem talks the truth about president Bush, and all the bad things he has done as a president. The thing I like most about the video is that Eminem tells everyone that if they all get together and vote then their voice will get heard and things may change for the better. I think that Eminem did a very good job in this video to tell people a bit about the president we have now. He tells one bad thing the president did , which was going to war just for oil. These can make people change their mind and think about looking for a better candidate. Even tough he said this people still voted for Bush. Although Eminem has a big voice there will always be people that would judge hin as revel and someone that hates Bush, but if you think about it then you can see that he is just trying to show the people what kind of president he is. The only thing I didnt like about the video was the date it was release, because it was release the same day as the election day. If it would have been release before election daythen there would probably have been another president and Bush wouldnt have bombed the holy land like he did on his first day as reelected president. I think that Bush knew that if the video was release before elections then he would probably not have been elected. I think that if there would be more people that raise their voice as Eminem did then maybe this nation would be different. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The eNotes Blog Write a Stunning Literary Analysis Practical Tips toFollow
Write a Stunning Literary Analysis Practical Tips toFollow Writing a successful literary analysis on a work of fiction can be a challenging and time-consuming task, but it is also very rewarding. The benefits gained are substantial for students, including the following: Literary analysis develops critical thinking, reading becomes a more exciting activity, students widen their intellectual horizons, and they also get to expand upon their unique view of the piece being analyzed. Being original is important in this type of assignment, but also difficult as you might read lots of critical materials written by others. This makes unintentional plagiarism a potential problem, and students must remain vigilant to avoid it. Although daunting at first glance, writing a good literary analysis neednââ¬â¢t be an overwhelming task. After you memorize some points, follow a plan, and analyze a few books, youââ¬â¢ll find itââ¬â¢s much easier than you think. You will even be able to help your friends and classmates perform a systematic and in-depth analysis. Hereââ¬â¢s how to do it: Step-by-step instruction Whatââ¬â¢s the first thing to know? Letââ¬â¢s define what literary analysis presupposes. You need to first understand the text, and then evaluate and interpret it on different levels. When analyzing a novel or short story, you should explain the authorââ¬â¢s writing style, characters, themes, settings, stylistic devices, and so on. Of course, literary analysis is not about retelling a detailed plot, but you should provide a brief overview to describe the most important developments that move the story forward. 1. First off, briefly tell about the author of the text youââ¬â¢re analyzing. Mention important facts from the authorââ¬â¢s biography (if they are pertinent to the analysis), describe the themes the writer generally explores in his or her writing, and list the most prominent works. Additionally, you can explain to which literary tradition the text belongs. 2. Now itââ¬â¢s time to define the main themes developed in the specific story youââ¬â¢re analyzing. There can be one or multiple items highlighted, and you should explain all of them. Generally speaking, here is where you have to tell what this text is about. Is it about finding oneââ¬â¢s way in life? Or maybe itââ¬â¢s about saving love? Or about making a difficult choice? 3. Next, get into the characters. Here you have a large stage before you. Tell what goals characters pursue, what their function is in the text, their attitudes towards minor characters, and so on. You also need to define what types of characters they are. Below is one way to outline an approach to this task: Is the character major or minor? Is the major character a protagonist or antagonist? Is the character a hero or anti-hero? Is the character dynamic or static? Is the character round or flat? Is the character stereotypical or not? Is the character symbolic or not? 4. Donââ¬â¢t forget to spend some time on settings (temporal, geographical, social, etc.). This information is important, since it provides insight into the definite historic and cultural environment and how these affect the plot. 5. Now itââ¬â¢s time to define what expressive means and stylistic devices the author has used to make his or her text more memorable. Iââ¬â¢d like to provide you with a list of the most widespread figures of speech (there are lots of them and you can research them to learn more): Alliteration Allusion Antithesis Assonance Ellipsis Hyperbole Litotes Oxymoron Personification Metaphor Metonymy Simile Tautology 6. The writing style is significant as well. You should take into consideration stylistic, syntactic, and grammatical peculiarities of the text. They are going to tell you more about the writer and his or her writing habits. Additionally, define the narrator type (1st person, 3rd person), focalization type (zero, internal- fixed, variable, multiple, external), and stylistic tone of the text (ironic, humorous, tragic, optimistic, pessimistic, and so on). What else should you take into consideration? While analyzing a text, you need to refer to the original source. To accomplish this aim you will be using relevant quotations from the text. Your task is to cite them and arrange them in a proper way (as well as the list of literature, if you have used other sources besides the analyzed text). If you donââ¬â¢t know for sure how to cite a particular source, you can use referencing generators available for free online. Your sources can include a blog, archive material, dictionary entry, interview or anything else, and the generator is going to arrange them all in particular citation styles (AMA, APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Turabian, and others). Revision is one of the key points that you must not ignore. Firstly, you have to reread your literary analysis a few times to identify areas that need improvement or to catch mistakes to correct. Secondly, you can ask a friend or peer to read your analysis and provide feedback. Moreover, you need to know how to avoid plagiarism, even if itââ¬â¢s accidental. Using plagiarism checkers before submitting your literary analysis is always a good idea.à Finally, donââ¬â¢t make the common mistakes many freshmen students make. Avoid using phrases such as ââ¬Å"the author means,â⬠ââ¬Å"the author wants to say,â⬠ââ¬Å"the authorââ¬â¢s opinion is,â⬠and so on. Why? You should investigate the text and interpret it on different levels from your own point of view. Thatââ¬â¢s it. Neither you, nor anybody else, knows what was in the authorââ¬â¢s head when writing the story. Now that youââ¬â¢ve seen the various elements that go into analyzing a work of fiction, you can see itââ¬â¢s not as hard as you might have originally thought. It goes without saying that the outline presented above should be adjusted to match your teacherââ¬â¢s requirements. Do you have other ideas about what makes for a good literary analysis? Do you find them easy or hard to write? Please share your thoughts below! This is a guest post by Rose Scott.à Rose Scott is a literature teacher who cannot imagine her life without books. Being enthusiast in writing, she created her own educational world online à Born to Teachà and became a regular contributor forà College Raptor. Rose believes that a good book can cure all the worries.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Should the U.S. Justice Department have filed suit against Arizona's Research Paper
Should the U.S. Justice Department have filed suit against Arizona's new immigration policy - Research Paper Example The law focuses mainly on those provisions that require state enforcement of federal immigration law and impose criminal penalties for immigration related conduct (Hing, p 169). The Arizonaââ¬â¢s new immigration policy has been signed as is scheduled to take effect soon. Upon adoption, it will be officially illegal to be an illegal immigrant in Arizona. The police in Arizona will be expected to ask anyone to prove their immigration status. The Arizona police are also compelled, under threat of lawsuit, to enforce federal immigration laws. The law, according to the justice department, will be expensive and disruptive. The law will further be susceptible to uneven application and can undermine community policing by discouraging cooperation with state and local law enforcement. There are negative consequences that will result from giving the local police the authority to stop anyone on the reasonable suspicion, that they just might be illegal immigrant. The law will automatically give the police an important new tool in their crime fighting process. The police will have the ability to detain and possibly deport any person without bothering to obtain warrants or prove that that the arrested individuals have committed a crime which is unconstitutional. The US justice department has filed a law suit seeking to challenge the Arizonaââ¬â¢s new immigration policy. The lawsuit charges that the Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants conflicts with the federal law. The Arizona law would disrupt immigration enforcement and can lead to police harassment of those who cannot prove their lawful status. The law suit has been filed in the federal court of Arizona and states that the Arizona stateââ¬â¢s measure is unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it from taking effect. The Arizona immigration law will cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants, and citizens who do not have to carry
Saturday, November 2, 2019
What are the main differences in the organisation of the labour Essay
What are the main differences in the organisation of the labour process in Fordism and Post-Fordism Use a case study to explain your answer - Essay Example The job in the industrial units wasnââ¬â¢t very encouraging for the employees. The manufacturing procedure was not appealing for the workforce. Scholars were researching regarding innovative techniques which could raise the wealth and could build their nation stronger. Post-Fordism is founded on the supremacy of a flexible and enduringly inventive model of growth and it is based on flexible production, growing revenues for capable employees (Jessop, N.D.). This essay explains the various features of Fordism and post-Fordism Fordism is a model of Taylorism. Friedrich Taylor (1856-1915) talked regarding the significance of a balanced and capable organization of corporations by consistency of the manufacturing procedure. In Taylorism the executives had less understanding regarding the practical work involved in the production; consequently the executives had to be acquainted with how the manufacturing was planned. Taylor stated that the potential thinking ought to be separated from the shop and placed in the planning department giving responsibility to executive to work stringently executive in its character. The executives had to fix on what the employees ought to perform. This is the real meaning of Taylorism: the partition of thinking and doing. While an employee thought regarding his action he accustomed to it and tries to improve it. Human and machine has to be one with no sentiment for the employee that he is a kind of a robot. The scheduling department required to have a capable manufacturing procedure although workers wanted to have an excellent payment, not so much working hours and a good work environment. Ford accepted the significance of the relation involving employee and employer. He set up an eight-hour workday and offered improved payment for enhanced production. However these developments were prepared on a financial base to create improved earnings of labor (Beek, et al. N.D). Henry Ford was an accepted symbol of the change from
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